The Great Things LLC Podcast
My mission is to help people discover the best versions of themselves, improve their business or career, and build a community of passionate, self-aware, & my conscientious individuals that make a difference in their communities and the world.
At Great Things LLC, My team and I kindle a world of radically self-responsible, compassionate leaders who transform lives. I offer transformational coaching, business consulting, and strategic support to help leaders align their personal passions and professional lives. I believe that success happens when clients commit to personal and professional transformation and radical self-responsibility.
The podcast shares the stories, people and places that have made a difference in the world. Enjoy the variety of inspiring interviews and informative monologues.
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The Great Things LLC Podcast
Starting 2024 and lessons from 2023, How to navigate forward
The new year is here, and many of us are thinking and planning for what's coming up. I have found that it is better to reflect before making the plans for the new year. In this episode, I share one of the lessons and teachings that has come up in my practice, that is the balance between knowing and curiosity. Understanding of the positive and shadow side of these concepts, as well as their inner play, provides the path forward with clarity
There are some incredible gas coming up in the podcast. I'm excited to share their stories with you. Be sure to tune back in for the latest episodes. also some incredible gas coming up in the podcast. I'm excited to share their stories with you. Be sure to tune back in for the latest episodes.
I appreciate your support, you can help the show by leaving a rating and sharing it with your friends and social media platforms. Best wishes for a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year.
I appreciate your support, you can help the show by leaving a rating and sharing it with your friends and social media platforms. Best wishes for a healthy and happy prosperous new year.
Welcome to the great things LLC podcast, the show that celebrates people who are making an impact on the world, people creating conscious businesses that are in alignment with their own personal values. Each episode shares the wisdom experience and the intentions of those that are following their dreams. Hello, welcome and Happy New Year. It's 2024. And just wanted to kick off this year with a little bit of reflection, some memories and some lessons that I've learned that I feel like sharing. It's been a great year, if you listen to the podcast at the beginning of last year, was quite a new time just started rehabbing the house we have moved down from Anchorage, Alaska to Midway Kentucky near Lexington. And we're finishing up the house. So I was able to renovate an old 1913 farmhouse in about five months and really enjoyed the space here. Over the year. We've had some incredible gathering some workshops, some ceremonies here. In addition, great things has grown, we have new team members, we have new offerings. And it's really been a year of building. So I'm excited for what's coming up in 2024 here. Now before I get into the year, just also excited to announce got some incredible guests coming up in the podcast here, Sarah Beatrice, who shares her story of just extensive travel in her trek to the Mount Everest base camp. After that will be Patty Upton, who is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records, she and her husband Lauren, actually drove a Jeep from the northern part of Alaska to the southern tip of South America, took a boat across the southern Atlantic Ocean, landing in South Africa and making the trip the whole way to Norway. And some of these stories are just amazing on how normal people do extraordinary things just by their desire, their passion and their will. All right, so what was what were some of the big things in 2023? You know, it's right now, this time of the year, we're looking forward to, you know, what we want to do what we want to create, but I'm going to take a minute of reflection, to really share one of the big lessons that we teach and actually learn from this year. And that is the difference and the balancing between your knowing and staying curious. In the work I do both in coaching and the ceremonial sacred spaces. One of the things, people either come in with a very strong sense of knowing of self of connection with spirit, or they might come in in a very open sense of wonder and awe and possibility will both have their benefits in their positive in their light side, there's also a shadow side to each. For example, when you have an absolute sense of knowing it is wonderful to have that clarity of direction, but the shadow side can be that it actually limits the possibilities or the potential, it can also allow you to miss opportunities. Now flip that coin and go to the curious side, if you're always in wonder and possibility. Those people in those personality types sometimes struggle with the ability to move things forward. Where there is no grounding, there is no place to start from. And so we see this, my partner, spirit bird and I quite a bit in our work. So what we've been teaching is balancing your knowing with curiosity. So if you find yourself in the former place of having a very strong sense of knowing where you're, you're just pushing forward and you're following your passion. One thing that we suggest is introducing the concept of curiosity. So if you know something, bring it in and ask a question is, do I know this? What else is possible? Whatever those small openings of curiosity can be, will broaden your outlook, and bring in those possibilities. Again, flipping it to the side of your curiosity, if you feel like there's just so many options, you're having a hard time getting started, you're always dreaming, the place to start with action is to bringing in a little bit of knowing. So ask yourself, what is one thing that you know, in for an example of this? Let's look at, I'll share my personal experience. I know my company has grown, and my surface offerings are changed. So but I'm not sure which way they're going. So there's possibility there. And what I do is, what do I know? Well, I love working with people and I love to see immediate and impactful and long lasting sustainable personal development and change. Okay, so I know that you can ask yourself another question. How do I offer that? Is that in person, is that online? Is it in groups, and then you'll find a knowing there so for me, I know I can do it in all three, but I really liked doing it in person so you can start to build and the place where you can bring these together where you have your knowing and you have an openness to curiosity or you have curiosity and you can find your knowing is then to be able to stay on in the middle and actually hold both when you're unsure. So if you're unsure To acknowledge that play with the knowing and curiosity, what is that next
Unknown:little step that you can take forward either into a knowing or opening up more curiosity to have more options. So it's a very simple practice, but I suggest you give it a try, see if it fits. And we found really great success not only personally, but in the work of our clients. Now, as for the new year, I've said this multiple times, I've got it on my blog, but I hope you haven't set any new year's resolutions. If you did, set those down. And let's recalibrate those. Let's talk about New Year's intentions. The thing that I find most people fail on resolutions is they are a pass fail grade, it's a binary that yes, I did it or No, I did it. So I'm going to lose 20 pounds this year, well, you're either going to do it or you're not. If you set an intention, an intention is a direction or a goal. So even if you get closer, you're better off. So the intention is I want to be healthier, or I want to walk more or be more physically active. So by using the term of more, it's relative, it's more than you're doing now. So even a little bit will, will reinforce that success and keep you motivated. So this is a just a brief check in. I appreciate everyone who's been listening over the year, stay tuned for a lot of great new podcasts coming out, we have some really good guest, as I've mentioned earlier. So if you're looking to do some massive personal change, to really make impactful and lasting changes, please reach out a great things we offer in person consulting, specifically, we work with people that have businesses or are in career transitions, that actually feel the call, and know that it's time to make a change not only in themselves, but in their families or their communities. And we offer a lot of services. So if you're curious about that, please check me out at great things llc.com You can visit and see our team and some of the services we offer. But this is the time of the year to reflect on what you've done, your successes, your challenges, and what you want to change for the new year. Let's set the intention for what 2024 will bring to you and your family. And then finally, let's get a plan of action to move you along towards those goals. So thank you Happy New Year, and Best wishes for all the health peace, joy and prosperity that you can possibly stay on in the coming year.
Josh Meeder:I hope you've enjoyed this episode of the great things LLC podcast. If you did, be sure to share the link with this episode with your friends, and share it to your social media with your biggest takeaway tagging me a great things LLC. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode. There's so much more to come. You can support me by leaving a rating and a review of the show and that will help others to find their purpose, dream, collaborate and create their own success story. Until next time, this is Josh Meeder your host signing off